Sam€ sam€ but different

€1 coins in cupro-nickel, nickel brass, plexiglass thermoshaped packaging.15 x 9 x 4 cm.100 editions. Sam€ sam€ but différent is a series of 1 euros coins in wrapped in transparent packaging, on which is written the word LUCK. Both sides of all these coins are identical. This transformation suggests another meaning by changing the status of an everyday object and giving it a different value. Creating preciousness is perhaps how the art market is defined. The use of 1 euro coins is a symbolic choice representing “money” – its principal form. It also offers freedom against governmental hegemony in terms of money. Indeed every falsification of money is illegal except in the context of art. In addition, it is an attempt to control chance by transforming “heads or tails” into “tails or tails” to “face to face”.